For a title, it's a little vague, yeah, but once I explain to you what ABC is, I think you'll *heart* him, too. Alright, I'm sure I've probably already seriously confused you by now.
Anyway. ABC stands for Athens Boys Choir, and while a choir is usually more than one person, this Choir is one Transman. His name is Katz. And he is the absolute shiz-niz! He's a spoken word artist with just enough bite to be respected as both a performer and a political, societal, Transgender activist. This boy just rocks. His newest album is called "Rose Cuts the Cake". He's on Amy Ray's record label, Daemon Records. He's very handsome. And he KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!
Some Linkage for your learning pleasure:
Ahh, pure pleasure!
Damn, you point to so much cool stuff I need to check out! He does look hot. Eeee! [/shallow]
Right, that's it, he's going on my chrismas list. :D
I'm so glad you agree with me, Alex. Isn't he...well...just beautiful?!
He's even hotter in person, Willie (I met him over the summer).
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