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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Possibility of major change

I just came to school following an early morning appointment with my general health physician. She gave me the name of a behavioral health practitioner in her building that I might be able to speak with about my Transgender identity and what it all means to me and whether or not hormones will be the best thing for me and so on and so forth. My appointment with the behavioral health practitioner is tentatively set for the second week in December. I'm scared to death because even though I know that there are many, many variations of Transgenderism, and that not all Transgender people necessarilly need to take hormones or have surgeries to identify as Trans., not everyone believes that, and this practitioner might feel that if I don't meet some certain requirements then I can't identify as Transgender.

I'm a senior in high school, so that alone means that I have enough to deal with right now--I don't need hormones or surgeries or any extra therapy to make it any more difficult. But this really is important to me, and high school won't last forever but any decision that I choose concerning my Transgenderism very well could.

So, for now, I think I'm going to keep my appointment, though I may have to try to change it to another day later in December when I'm on holiday vacation. I don't feel like I need to know that I can be clinically approved to have the hormones or the surgeries, but I think it would be interesting to see what this practitioner is all about. I can always choose to not schedule another appointment if it doesn't go well or if I don't feel ready.

I'll keep you all updated.


Peterson Toscano said...

Will be thinking of you. One step at a time dude. This self-discovery is HARD work.

Elliot Coale said...

"This self-discovery is HARD work"--you're preachin' to the choir, my brother. But thank you for your support. ;)