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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Is the author off her rocker?

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book series, recently wrote on her website a few statements that infer that the literary giant has finally flown the cuckoo's nest. She's out of it. She's lost her mind! She said: "For years now, people have asked me whether I ever dream that I am 'in' Harry's world. The answer was 'no' until a few nights ago, when I had an epic dream in which I was, simultaneously, Harry and the narrator."

Let me say for the record that, when I was in 6th grade and the books were first released, I thought that they were genius. And I loved that they caused such controversy (remember how some schools/parents wouldn't let their students/children read them because of the magical themes?). But now I've just gotten sick of hearing about them. The movies are nowhere as good as the books, and now, looking back, I realized that I wasn't really that into the books to begin with. That's not to say that they aren't a great series of books. They're pretty damn awesome...I mean, if you're into that kind of thing.


Peterson Toscano said...

Wait, you really think she is off her rocker because of that dream. Geez, I better not tell you about MY crazy dreams!

Elliot Coale said...

No, Peterson, I didn't mean that! No! You can tell me all about your crazy dreams! It's that author's that I'm a little worried about! :)

Peterson Toscano said...

elliot, I just passed Rowling's house here in Scotland, but no sitings. Will keep you posted.

Elliot Coale said...

Cool. Thanks!