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Mandate the hell out of it!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It was an icky sink

I just spent the last 45 minutes scrubbing the dried paint out of a very deep and very wide sink in the art room at my school. One might ask, why the hell would I be crazy enough to do that?! The truth was, I had no choice. Well, it's not like anybody forced me to clean that crap out of the sink. The teachers in there weren't like "Clean this or else". I just did it to keep my senior privileges. Senior privs. (as they're so fondly called here by the students who have them) are the...well...privileges that seniors who keep up a certain grade in each class and who have good conduct can have. Basically, for anyone who has them, their study halls are turned into free periods where we can be our own teacher (to a point) and go use a computer in the library or guidance office or sit in our senior lobby on comfy couches and chairs and play board games or eat or read or talk or whatever. But, aside from having to keep up good grades and not get into trouble, we also have to do community service for teachers, which consists of doing whatever job a teacher of our choice needs done.

So, now my back hurts. A lot. But it feels good to have finished that round of community service. Now I just have another 6 months worth to do (until graduation!). Ugh....


Peterson Toscano said...

Aw, what a wonderful senior you are! I am so glad I have someone to look up to :-)

Elliot Coale said...

Yup. I'm a model citizen, I am. :-)